GitHub New Features

  GitHub is a powerful collaboration tool and development platform for code review and code management. With this GitHub, the users can build applications and software, manage the projects, host the code, review the code etc.


Key Features:

With GitHub, developers can easily document their code and can host the same from the repositories.

GitHub’s project management tools help its users to stay aligned, co-ordinate easily and get their task done accordingly.

Few features of GitHub that make it a useful tool are its code security, access control among the team members, integration with other tools etc.

Few developers use GitHub for experimenting new programming languages in their personal projects.

GitHub can be hosted on servers and on a cloud platform. It runs on Windows and Mac OS.

GitHub is free for open source projects and public use. For developers it is charged @ $7/month, for teams @ $9/month and for organizations it is $21/month


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