Drax Music is a popular Indian YouTuber.
Drax Music aka Sameer Morya became.He started His Youtube Channel on 26/Nov/2017 when he was just 14-years old.
He used to watch Wr3d on YouTube and got inspired to create his channel.
In 2020, he started his channel titled ‘Wr3d sameer's stuiodz,’ on which he posted videos related to Games.
in 2021, after ‘Wr3d sameer's stuiodz,’ he created another YouTube channel with the name Fuzion studioz. He started making videos on Music with his own background sound. To make the videos more entertaining, he also tried to sing a song like Mc stan and Bohemia in his Studio.
Again, he failed to get enough views on his videos; as there was a small audience for those kinds of videos. Later, Sameer Morya came across another YouTube channel named ‘Drax stuiodz'
He was impressed by Drax Music idea of gameplay music and he thought of implementing the same format in his videos.Now he success His Channel With 26k subscribers Social Media accounts of sameer


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