Human beings are complex multicellular organisms made up of trillions of cells. Scientists estimate that the adult human body contains around 37 trillion human cell and 200 different cell types. The human microbiota (a collection of microorganisms found primarily in the gut) consists of a further 10-100 trillion microbial cells.

How Many Different Cell Types Are There in the Human Body?

The human body is made up of around 200 different cell types, each with a unique structure, size, shape, and set of organelles. Each type of cell is adapted to perform a specific function, for example:

•Red blood cells are adapted to transport oxygen around the body
•Muscle cells are adapted to enable movement
•Adipocytes (fat cells) are adapted for fat storage
•Neurons (nerve cells) are adapted to transmit nerve impulses 
•sex cells (sperm and eggs cells) are adapted for reproduction